I'm sure someone will have already pointed out that not only was demanding Digg take down the HD-DVD code futile, it has produced vastly more publicity for the code than it could ever have otherwise enjoyed, months after the initial fuss had died down. This is now the most dug thing ever. Nice cover-up guys. Next time I have a big announcement I want to get out there, I'll be sure to publicise it by having the lawyers pester Digg to take it down rather than wasting a bunch of money on PR. It used to be said that getting the Pope to make a statement condemning something was worth a million dollars in marketing spend. Getting Digg to (try to) take something down is officially the new Papal condemnation.
Also see Wikipedia on illegal numbers for some entertaining speculation on whether the illegality of disseminating these numbers makes the numbers themselves illegal. Can copyright law make a number illegal? Apparently so. I wonder what would happen if Kevin Rose changed his name to 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
then? Maybe the MPAA would stop writing to him.
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